What are green skills and how important are they? Share your thoughts
Identify current and future labor market trends and their implications for skill demand
Determine how well the current education and training provision prepares learners for the labor market
Assess where in the lifelong learning system, from ECD to adult training, investments and reforms will have most impact
Understand how countries around the world tackle challenges with youth employment and skills development
Conduct effective policy dialogue and stakeholder coordination
Design strategies, projects and reforms with the highest likelihood of improving skills development and (youth) employment outcomes
Better engage employers to improve the quality and relevance of education and training
Implement and improve ongoing skills projects and interventions and evaluate their outcomes
World Bank, ILO, and UNESCO
ILO, UNESCO and World Bank
Gortazar and Hoftijzer (World Bank)
Herrera Sosa, Hoftijzer, Gortazar and Ruiz Suarez (World Bank)
Sanchez Puerta, Valerio, Hoftijzer, Rizvi and Avato (World Bank)
Hoftijzer, Stronkowski & Rozenbaum (World Bank)
Hoftijzer, Cretu, Dillinger & Casap (World Bank)
Hoftijzer, Mikhail, Middleton, and Masterjerb (World Bank)
Agulhas - for the UK Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI)
Agulhas - for the UK Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI)